Andrej Karpathy mentioned Blindsight by Peter Watts 2 times

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Blindsight by Peter Watts
  1. I thought I was going to enjoy this book because I was told that it has nice, hard-sci-fi-like aliens. Unfortunately, I learned that that this is a necessary but not a sufficient condition. The aliens were great and fun to contemplate, but there's something about the writing, the way the story is structured and the events that unfold that was simply off. The story is difficult to parse - Peter Watts doesn't hand it to you on the silver platter, for your enjoyment. He makes you work for it, and writes the story in a way that, I thought, required a lot of inferences and reading between the lines. There were also large passages containing some back story for the main character that I didn't fully understand the point of. In summary, I don't think I fully got all the details of this book in a first reading and I emerged somewhat confused about what just happened, and I'll just blame it on the book :) 3/5 3/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-07-19 on

  2. Alien contact that didn't capture me.

    — Andrej Karpathy