Andrej Karpathy mentioned Daemon by Daniel Suarez 2 times

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Daemon by Daniel Suarez
  1. A dying man leaves behind a distributed set of daemon programs that infect the world, acting collectively as a kind of superintelligence. Unfortunately, the book lacks in logical consistency: Wait, the program can run a large chunk of the global economy, reads minds with complex invented equipment, and operates a fleet of self-driving vehicles with complex sensing and yet when it speaks to you you must answer either yes or no or otherwise it cannot parse your response? The book also lacks in pacing, with long stretches that become boring or tedious. The real objective of the program is not revealed for a long time, and even once it is, it’s not very convincing and a letdown. The ending is abrupt and the story doesn’t build up into anything. It feels as though the author became tired of the story and just wanted to finish the book already. Inconsistent, tedious, and ultimately unsatisfying. 2/5. 2/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-10-12 on

  2. A story of an AI take over. Highly inventive, but also a bit inconsistent and tedious at times.

    — Andrej Karpathy