Andrej Karpathy mentioned Hyperion by Dan Simmons 2 times

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Hyperion by Dan Simmons
  1. This book was exactly what I am usually most afraid of: a "basic" sci-fi written by a non-technical author. It is a nicely written tale with grandeur whose primary focus are people and relationships, and oh, it happens to be set in the future. If you enjoy reading flavored and elaborate descriptions of sunsets, environments, or people's facial features with a few scattered mentions of different solar systems here and there (so that it qualifies as a sci-fi), this book is for you. But if you're interested in exploring possible futures, with a specific focus on ideas, technologies and their consequences in a consistent and elaborate universe, you'll get bored very quickly. 2/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2015-06-29 on

  2. Tales of human relationships that happen to take place in future. A good example of a very popular "sci-fi" that I really disliked.

    — Andrej Karpathy