Andrej Karpathy mentioned JavaScript by Douglas Crockford 2 times

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JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
  1. Highly informative and helpful for understanding the nuances of JavaScript

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2013-08-28 on
  2. An enjoyable read that takes you on a whirlwind tour of pitfalls of Javascript. I gained a deeper appreciation of the language, understand it more thoroughly, and felt that the pace was good. I can recommend this book to an experienced programmer who is already familiar with a lot of concepts in programming languages, and simply needs a fast intro to Javascript. If you're not as comfortable though, you will get lost. The exposition is short... but sweet. Lastly, one bad point I can think of is that objective and insightful discussions of Javascript's problems are intermingled with the author's personal opinions that are sometimes rather obsessive. One paragraph you find out that [3, 15, 8].sort() returns [15, 3, 8], and the next you're presented with arguments for why you shouldn't use i++ or why you should always put a space after "if" in if() clause. 4/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2013-05-05 on