Andrej Karpathy mentioned Ketofast by Joseph Mercola 1 times

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Ketofast by Joseph Mercola
  1. 2/5 ("it was ok"). I'm already on Keto+IF and enjoying it quite a bit so I got this book to collect more data about how/why the diet works, and some details on how to maximize its benefits. Unfortunately what I found was a seemingly hastily put together high-level hodge podge of related information that is breezily presented and then re-iterated a few times over and over, as if repeating the same high-level points would make a person understand things better. The book can't decide if it's a popular science book or not, and awkwardly ends up a bit of both. The un-cliffnoted version could earn more stars. 2/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2020-02-28 on