Andrej Karpathy mentioned Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall 1 times

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Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics by Tim Marshall
  1. Isn't particularly thorough or convincing but gives a quick intro to many regions of the world and some of their history (e.g. Russia, China, USA, Western Europe, Japan+Korea, Middle East, Afric, Arctic ). Unlike the title's claimed focus, geography is not featured as prominently and we're mostly treated to a quick history lesson of each region in turn; i.e. I'm not sure that I learned all that much about how the geography of each region influences that history. In summary, a decent intro to the topic but doesn't present any particularly coherent, well-supported theme, and instead meanders around as a summary of the first 3 paragraphs of each region's "history" section in Wikipedia. 3/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2020-05-24 on