Andrej Karpathy mentioned Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 3 times

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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
  1. Ready Player One, which paints a likely future where large portion of the population spends time in VR in a Second Life - like environment. This is another example of sci-fi that has repercussions for AI research. Suppose this were true, how amazing would that source of data be, of millions of people interacting in real time in virtual worlds, etc. What does it enable? What kinds of techniques would flourish?

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-11 on

  2. This was a very enjoyable sci-fi. This book's protagonists spend a great deal of time geeking out over 80s film/music/video game culture, which for me makes them highly endearing and very easy to root for as they face off with a corporate enemy. The book also offers an intriguing sci-fi world where most of the humanity is wired in to a Virtual Reality OASIS. It was very interesting to repeatedly contemplate the idea that someone could be simultaneously universally revered in one realm, but a complete loser or a nobody in the other. I can partly relate, as an esteemed, fully-epic-gear-decked out member of a top guild during my glory days of World of Warcraft, where I helped defeat epic monsters in massive raids while simultaneously sweating profusely alone in a chair in my room at 5am. The last few chapters were very difficult to put down, so in an amusing irony, I ignored the real world for a while and spent several hours jacked into the book. Warmly recommended read! 5/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-05-15 on

  3. VR Metaverse. Super nerdy. Down with corpo. Highly enjoyable. Total page turner.

    — Andrej Karpathy