Andrej Karpathy mentioned Seveneves by Neal Stephenson 2 times

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Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
  1. I thought I would really enjoy this book: a problem of epic proportions, a struggle for survival through science/technology... Unfortunately, this book is like taking The Martian, removing many of the best parts (humor, compelling characters you actually care about), and then making it (what feels like) 10 times longer. It's dry, it lacks focus, pace and clarity. For example, I was frustrated to read about Dinah's problems with her robots or other trivialities when the entire plant Earth downstairs is about to burn. We just barely get to learn something about how the social order copes with the impending doom - a copout. In the end I couldn't take it anymore so I skipped through some of the later parts and then read the synopsis on Wikipedia. More importantly, this experiment confirmed to me that I loved the The Martian not just because it was about science and had lots of nerdy details, but because it was legitimately a fun, interesting, compelling and _appropriately sized/paced!_ story. Seveneves is not. EDIT: found this gem on another review: "The moon exploded, humanity is on the brink of extinction and I just might die of boredom." +1. 2/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2017-01-21 on

  2. Didn't finish. "The moon exploded, humanity is on the brink of extinction and I just might die of boredom."

    — Andrej Karpathy