Andrej Karpathy mentioned The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle 3 times

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The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle
  1. On the topic of sci-fi’s I really like books written by scientists turned writers because I find the world building to be much more compelling, interesting and logically consistent. Recently I enjoyed [this].

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-11 on

  2. I really liked the beginning to mid part of this book because it tackles a very interesting and novel idea for alien species. It goes far beyond little green men, and I admire that. Also, Hoyle was a physicist and this makes the book much better than what you'd read from any random sci-fi popular science wannabe who does some "research" for few months. The world needs more scientists turned authors. The book also (Gasp!) contains math in between prose. Awesome. 4/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-05-15 on

  3. Highly inventive alien contact. Very enjoyable.

    — Andrej Karpathy