Andrej Karpathy mentioned The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas 1 times

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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

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  1. I don't usually read this kind of literature, but Count of Monte Cristo is a unique and marvellous book that explores a variety of themes: life/death, revenge, justice, hope, etc through a fascinating story. Reading the book is comparable to seeing a large puzzle coming together piece by piece, as Edmond slowly but surely achieves his revenge, until it all comes together in a brilliant and emotional ending. The style of writing is amusingly unique (remember this book was written in ~1840!), especially the chapters rich in noble banter. Lastly, before you endeavour to read this book, keep in mind that it is a significant undertaking that takes many many days to get through. Sometimes the story drags on and on with all kinds of details and "gay" chitchat when all you really want to read about is Edmond finally meeting Mercedes again. So be prepared to fight your eagerness, and try to enjoy the ride! 4/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2013-06-01 on