Andrej Karpathy mentioned The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. 1 times

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The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr.
  1. This is a very short book that is skimmable in 1hr, readable in few, but absorbable only on the scale of months/years. It is a dense instruction manual for writing well: it starts with simple grammatical rules of form in part 1, progresses to various tips/tricks for the connective structure in part 2, and ends with a discussion of how one can infuse their writing with a soul, a kick, and rhythm. I found myself disagreeing several times and found some parts to be contradictory, but I think it's still well-worth a skim. You'll almost certainly find a few things you've been doing wrong all along, or not doing enough of. 3/5 - I liked it. 3/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2017-04-11 on