Andrej Karpathy mentioned The Everything Store by Brad Stone 1 times

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The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone
  1. This is the story of and how it became a ~$500B company. The book is fun and engaging to read. The chapters focus on painting a picture of Jeff Bezos and his philosophy, and the various adversities that the company has faced over its 20 years of existence. I am generally not a huge fan of worship-fiction (which is very common when it comes to books about "visionary founders"), but luckily this book is only about 50% that. The other 50% is a genuinely fun read about Amazon's beginnings, struggles, and its now-sprawling empire from a high-level business perspective. My favorite parts included: 1) the clear-headed analysis that went into the original spark behind Amazon, 2) the repeating pattern of the "flywheel" positive feedback loops that was the energy source of Amazon's growth, 3) the amusing inability of the incumbents to realize what was happening and how to address it, and finally 4) the anecdotes related to all of the above. good/fun read. Would recommend to anyone interested in the history of internet and the dot com bubble and general high-level business strategy grounded in the examples from Amazon's history. 4/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2017-05-08 on