Andrej Karpathy mentioned The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins 1 times

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The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins
  1. 44% of Americans believe that humans were created by god about ten thousand years ago. I admire that Richard Dawkins' stamina in fighting the good fight but he's not going about it very effectively. He sounds pretentious. He uses technical terms quite frequently, to the point that I can barely keep up (and I have reasonable background in the area already). He repeatedly insults and mocks people who do not accept what he sees to be completely self-evident. The argument is not strung together too neatly and his time/resource allocation is also slightly questionable. You can feel his pain and sympathize, but if he wanted to be more effective he would have to surrender some of his ego first, which I don't think he can do very well. I personally read this book because I was curious to see what evidence from the animal kingdom Dawkins would select as his best ammunition and how he would structure the argument. I emerged slightly disappointed: by the tone, the flow, the structure, and the selection. If there is someone out there who would like to learn more about evolution I would instead recommend looking at some very well-produced videos on YouTube. 3/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-05-25 on