Andrej Karpathy mentioned The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin 2 times

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The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
  1. This book was a drawn-out, tedious read that I was in danger of aborting several times until it finally pulled off a miraculous redemption in the last few chapters. I was going to give it a 2/5 when I was 90% through the book, but having read the last 10% I'm happy to upgrade that to 4/5 and looking forward to reading the 2nd book. 4/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2016-10-17 on

  2. Several fantastic diamonds of novel ideas sprinkled about, but mixed in with a large mass of goo, soulless characters, narrative/logical inconsistencies, poor choices of what to expand on and what to omit, and a really disappointing conclusion.

    — Andrej Karpathy