Andrej Karpathy mentioned Where Good Ideas Come from by Steven Johnson 1 times

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Where Good Ideas Come from: The Natural History of Innovation by Steven Johnson
  1. There are really only two core ideas in this book: 1. That innovations are best modeled as ideas having sex, in the sense that they don't pop into existence but instead each idea is formed by the process of mixing elements from previous ideas (recombination), or slightly improving on an aspect of the idea (mutation). This view makes all of our innovations look similar to intellectual animals, with their own family trees. And 2. That these innovations don't happen in sudden eureka moments inside the mind of one person, but instead happen over time through "slow hunches" that incubate inside an obsessed mind, while that mind is engaged in liquid networks of other minds. These two core tenants are supported with several briefly-discussed fun historical examples. However, I think the book could have been slightly shorter, it rambles a bit and stretches some assertions a bit, but overall it gives some food for thought. 3/5. 3/5

    — Andrej Karpathy

    2015-11-30 on