Bill Gates mentioned An Elegant Defense by Matt Richtel 5 times

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An Elegant Defense by Matt Richtel
  1. Matt Richtel’s fascinating book about the immune system

    — Bill Gates

    2021-06-22 on
  2. This book gave me a deeper, more nuanced appreciation for the system that is at the core of humanity’s fight against COVID-19 and everything our foundation’s Global Health program is trying to do.

    — Bill Gates

    2021-06-15 on
  3. Matt Richtel's book gives you all the context you need to understand the science of immunity.

    — Bill Gates

    2021-06-14 on

  4. Richtel wrote his book before the pandemic, but this exploration of the human immune system is nevertheless a valuable read that will help you understand what it takes to stop COVID-19. He keeps the subject accessible by focusing on four patients, each of whom is forced to manage their immune system in one way or another. Their stories make for a super interesting look at the science of immunity.

    — Bill Gates

    2021-06-14 on

  5. A super interesting look at the science of immunity.

    — Bill Gates