Bill Gates mentioned How the World Really Works by Vaclav Smil 6 times

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How the World Really Works by Vaclav Smil
  1. Vaclav Smil’s books are always phenomenal.

    — Bill Gates

    2023-04-04 on

  2. Summer’s almost over. If you have time to sneak in another book or two – here are a few I recommend.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-08-28 on
  3. I recently published a list of books you might want to read this summer. Each of the writers took a meaty subject and made it compelling without sacrificing any complexity.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-11 on
  4. Another masterpiece from one of my favorite authors. If you want a brief but thorough education in numeric thinking about many of the forces that shape human life, this is the book to read.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-11 on
  5. If you want a brief but thorough education in numeric thinking about many of the fundamental forces that shape human life, this is the book to read. It’s a tour de force.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-06 on

  6. If you want a brief but thorough education in numeric thinking about many of the fundamental forces that shape human life.

    — Bill Gates