Bill Gates mentioned Why We’re Polarized by Ezra Klein 7 times

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Why We’re Polarized by Ezra Klein
  1. Summer’s almost over. If you have time to sneak in another book or two – here are a few I recommend.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-08-28 on
  2. If you want to understand what’s going on with politics in the United States, Why We’re Polarized by @ezraklein is the book to pick up.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-27 on
  3. I recently published a list of books you might want to read this summer. Each of the writers took a meaty subject and made it compelling without sacrificing any complexity.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-11 on
  4. A fascinating look at human psychology, arguing that increasing polarization in America stems from identity.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-11 on
  5. Klein argues persuasively that the cause of this split is identity—the human instinct to let our group identities guide our decision making. The book is fundamentally about American politics, but it’s also a fascinating look at human psychology.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-06 on

  6. If you want to understand what’s going on with politics in the United States, this is the book to pick up.

    — Bill Gates

    2022-06-06 on

  7. Fundamentally about American politics, but it’s also a fascinating look at human psychology.

    — Bill Gates