
Bible by

This list is curated from 10 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

  1. Envy is a syndrome, a complex of poisonous thoughts and feelings about people who have what we want but cannot get. It's not simply wanting what another person has. That's greed, which is a much more wholesome sin. Because wanting what someone has can inspire us, it can fuel our own ambition, it can even motivate us to improve ourselves. And sometimes people call that envy, but it's not really envy. It's emulation, or admiration. At worst it's what the Bible calls "coveting."

    Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)

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  2. Reread --or read-- the Bible.

    Nassim Taleb

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  3. Six weeks on the road for the new book. This is what I managed to read.

    Ryan Holiday

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  4. > New Testament, or Old Testament? Which has influenced you more, and why?I’d have to go with something like the New Testament. These things are always subject to so much interpretation. I don’t think something like any of these holy books stand on their own. If they did, that’s always an antireligious argument at the end of the day.

    Peter Thiel

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