Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

This list is curated from 4 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

  1. [About Fahrenheit 451] it is so bad, it is so terrible. I think it is a perfect example of a book that the moral is the core center of the novel which just makes it so god damn boring.


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  2. Like many public school kids, I was assigned Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 in high school. I remembered the book as a warning against totalitarian censorship by the government. It was only later, re-reading it as an adult, that I realized Bradbury—who had written the book on purchased time at a library typewriter—was depicting something much more insidious. As Captain Beatty explains to Montag, who had begun to doubt his terrible profession, censorship was what the people wanted. This horrendous burning of books hadn’t been forced on them by a tyrant. They had chosen this.

    Ryan Holiday

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