Flowers for Algernon
by Daniel Keyes

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

This list is curated from 4 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

  1. A man with low IQ becomes a subject in an experiment that promises to increase intelligence. The book is written in a journal form and chronicles the transformation. Whether you will enjoy the book comes down to your motivations coming in. I read this book primarily because I find the the topic of increasing intelligence / superintelligence to be interesting. Hence I enjoyed the first half of the book. Unfortunately, the book later turns into something more similar to a drama, having little to do with scifi and more with human relationships. However, if you're only looking for a good story with a fun speculative added element and a hint of philosophy then you might just enjoy it! 3/5

    Andrej Karpathy

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  2. “Understand” by Ted Chiang is a brilliant revisit of “Flowers for Algernon.” Drop everything and read it.

    Naval Ravikant

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  3. It's a very tragic sad story. It was really fun to read from start to finish however and I really really enjoyed it. It was a great recommendation. Thank you, Brad. Appreciated it.


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