How to Live
27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion
by Derek Sivers

How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion by Derek Sivers

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  1. I love this book and I've recommended it a number of times because it charts its way through the space of self-consistent philosophies for life, none of them strictly right or wrong. I love the idea that, as miraculously conscious entities that we are, we experience a kind of awareness and are empowered to adopt a philosophy and a system for life. This book is an enumeration of ways of being, view on life and its purpose and morality. For me the enumeration in this book is only a step 1, and has given me a lot of food for a more fundemantal theory. E.g. a slider that controls how much you care about people at a different radius away from you (you alone, family, community, all people alive, people alive in the future), how you measure the distance function (e.g. proximity/genetics), and over what time (e.g. right now or in the future and how far). Or how much you value hedonism vs. meaning. Or whether your sense of worth/meaning is more internally or externally driven. Etc. But the 27 answers are then the narrative that emerges out of a certain setting of these more fundamental variables in some interesting high-dimensional space of personal philosophy. 5/5

    Andrej Karpathy

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