Lean In
Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

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  1. I got the impression that this book was primarily intended for women, but it was an interesting read for me nonetheless because it explores a variety of barriers, issues and concerns that women face as they progress through their careers. Barriers that are, at least to a white man, not immediately obvious. I liked that Sheryl supplements her arguments with a variety of anecdotes from her and her friends' personal lives. These make the exposition more authentic and enjoyable. There are also a number of interesting passages that address topics of leadership and communication in general. One of my favourites that comes to mind was a passage about the relativity of truth, and how one can more effectively communicate with others when this is recognized (Seek and Speak your Truth chapter, page 79). I've also developed a certain admiration for Sheryl that this book helped reinforce. As she explains in the book, you can't have it all, but she clearly has a strong drive to come as close to it as possible. That's inspiring. Enjoyable read! 3/5

    Andrej Karpathy

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