by Hermann Hesse

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

This list is curated from 21 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

  1. Depends what you want. Science or philosophy or...? Beginning of Infinity, Rational Optimist, Skin in the Game are all amazing. If you want more eastern philosophy, try Siddhartha, I am That, Jed McKenna.

    Naval Ravikant

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  2. And lastly, love this book! Who would thought I would pick this up? Another random pickup. I've been literally just going on Goodreads and they've been recommending me some bomb ass books. This book is... I love it! I love this book. Read this book, it's great, you'll feel great reading it. [...] It's just a lovely story and I highly recommend it


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  3. I have gifted A Good Man to quite a few people and Shackleton and Victor Frankl’s book. A Good Man I gift because if we contemplate how – like I wonder what would my son or daughter say about me? What kind of biography would they write? And that is a model for me I would want. Shackleton, that is how I want to behave in life and Frankl, that is how I – his basic point is no matter the conditions we surround ourselves in, we can author our life. We can author however we respond. I guess I will also throw in there Siddhartha. Have you read that?

    Bryan Johnson

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