The Master and Margarita
by Mikhail Bulgakov

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

This list is curated from 3 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

  1. Master and Margarita, great!

    Ryan Holiday

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  2. The first one is the "The Master and Margarita" written by Mikhail Bulgakov [...] It's a black-satire comedy around Christianity. It's very weird, but I really loved it. [...] 5 out of 5


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  3. If you want something a little more intellectual, it’s probably the Bulgakov novel The Master and Margarita where the devil shows up in Stalinist Russia, and succeeds, and gives everybody what they want, and everything goes haywire. It’s hard, because no one believes he’s real.

    Peter Thiel

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