The Player of Games
by Iain M. Banks

The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks

This list is curated from 4 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

  1. This is another example of a popular sci-fi that I simply cannot stand. I forced myself to make it through hundreds of pages thinking that it might get better later but gave up halfway through, at a point where some alien females were described as wearing jewels. I'm sorry, but I cannot accept human-like qualities naively attributed to alien beings, it's one of my greatest pet peeves. This is another one of those sci-fi that are really a vanilla story that _happens_ to take place in the future. It is a story first and a sci-fi second, and I like my books the other way around. I debated between 2/5 and 1/5, but I hated the sheer naivety and childish "little green men on mars"-like ideas in the book so much that I'm going to go with 1/5. 1/5

    Andrej Karpathy

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  2. Yes agreed, diaspora is amazing, but I think it’s best to read permutation city first. Same with player of games and consider phlebas, although maybe it’s just cos that’s the order I read them in.

    Demis Hassabis

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  3. If u follow the trail of clues the story will unravel 📚🧚🏻‍♀️💊🧬


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