The Wealth of Nations
by Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

This list is curated from 12 mentions and sorted by most mentioned, then by date of most recent mention. The more a book is mentioned, the more likely it's recommended and a favorite!

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  1. For example, instead of reading a business book, pick up Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. Instead of reading a book on biology or evolution that’s written today, I would pick up Darwin’s Origin of the Species. Instead of reading a book on biotech right now that may be very advanced, I would just pick up The Eighth Day of Creation by Watson and Crick. Instead of reading advanced books on what cosmology and what Neil Degrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking have been saying, you can pick up Richard Feynman’s Six Easy Pieces and start with basic physics.

    Naval Ravikant

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  2. 3- Current bibles: The Bible, Wealth of Nations, Das Kapital, Works by Aquinas, Montaigne, etc. They fail editorial criteria. Editors don't understand books, Academics don't get scholarship. Why?@rorysutherland : employees' objective is minimizing blame in case of failure.

    Nassim Taleb

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  3. Marx vs Adam Smith -> Adam Smith for the win. Not even close.

    Elon Musk

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  4. Adam Smith who was the economist, he wrote the Wealth of Nations but he also wrote a book called the Theory of Moral Sentiments which is this sort of brilliant book about philosophy and kind of like why we do the right thing.

    Ryan Holiday

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