Bryan Johnson mentioned Endurance by Alfred Lansing 3 times

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Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing
  1. Let’s have a great week together. Powered by a quiet mind allowing for high quality sleep. Daily before bed, read Endurance for 30 min. No screens. No ruminations. Imagine yourself a member of Shackleton’s crew.

    — Bryan Johnson

    2024-04-29 on
  2. I have gifted A Good Man to quite a few people and Shackleton and Victor Frankl’s book. A Good Man I gift because if we contemplate how – like I wonder what would my son or daughter say about me? What kind of biography would they write? And that is a model for me I would want. Shackleton, that is how I want to behave in life and Frankl, that is how I – his basic point is no matter the conditions we surround ourselves in, we can author our life. We can author however we respond. I guess I will also throw in there Siddhartha. Have you read that?

    — Bryan Johnson

    2015-06-12 on

  3. Yeah, a personal hero of mine is Ernest Shackleton. [...] we probably share a mutual love. So, 1914 he went on the trans imperial Antarctica expedition where he tried to cross coast to coast the south pole, Antarctica. What I like about Shackleton – there is a whole bunch of things I like about Shackleton. Basically to this question is when he imagined what he wanted to do in the world, he chose the most audacious thing imaginable. At the time it was nearly inconceivable that somebody could do that and he chose to do it and he prepped and he did it. They failed in their endeavor, right? But, he is not remembered as a failure. He is remembered as the grit and how they actually overcame all the obstacles that came about during the expedition. He is hugely inspirational in my life because I apply what I call the Shackleton sniff test to everything I do in life. That I contemplate if I am going about on the endeavor, does it meet the threshold that Shackleton applied? Is this the most audacious endeavor I can possible conceive?

    — Bryan Johnson

    2015-06-12 on