Casey Neistat mentioned Class by Paul Fussell 1 times

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Class: A Guide Through the American Status System by Paul Fussell
  1. There's this amazing book written in like 1980 by Paul Fussell called "Class." And it's about social classes, socioeconomic classes. And the highest class is called the X class, which is a class like above and beyond. I might be butchering this. And what they have in common with the lowest class, which are the destitute, is that the richest people in the world never handle money and don't have to deal with phones or anything like that. And then the destitute have no money to handle and they don't deal with phones or other people or anything like that. So like there is this, the polar ends of the spectrum.

    — Casey Neistat

    2022-11-07 on