Casey Neistat mentioned Mr. Wizard's 400 Experiments in Science by Don Herbert 2 times

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Mr. Wizard's 400 Experiments in Science by Don Herbert
  1. You take moth balls and you put them in vinegar the mothballs sink but then bubbles go on them and then they rise the bubbles pop and then they fall and they start dancing. Art! And we did a bunch of those, we learned all of those from a book called Mr Wizard's world's science experiments you can do at home. Great book!

    — Casey Neistat

    2023-04-25 on
  2. One of the movies was a movie series I shot in my apartment with my brother called science experiments which was literally we bought Mr wizard's world book of little experiments you can do it on a kitchen table and we just made films about them.

    — Casey Neistat

    2015-09-02 on