Casey Neistat mentioned Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 5 times

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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
  1. The book is called Ready Player One. It's a sci-fi book. I'm not particularly into sci-fi books, but this book, this book was a wild ride. I thought it was really, really fantastic.

    — Casey Neistat

    2017-08-01 on
  2. Yes and yes and yes, i agree with @derraleves who agrees with @ZacksJerryRig that @readyplayerone is the greatest.. I’m just starting @READYPLAYER2

    — Casey Neistat

    2020-11-29 on
  3. was great. strong recommend. faithful enough to the book to make it count - not so faithful that it was boring

    — Casey Neistat

    2018-03-30 on
  4. book was incredible. officially book will go down as one of the greats and the movie will just be another good cgi movie.

    — Casey Neistat

    2018-03-30 on
  5. that book is SO fun

    — Casey Neistat

    2017-08-25 on