Casey Neistat mentioned The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday 2 times

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The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday
  1. It's Ryan being like talking about, yeah, talking about Marcus Aurelius and like how you apply that to life. And it's like, these are sort of the ponderings, is that a word? The things that I pull from his books that I underline that mean so much to me. And now, he's delivering them to me in a medium that actually works better, which is these little clips, still read his books. I just mean it's better than underlining a chapter and trying to find that dog eared page. And that's been really brilliant.

    — Casey Neistat

    2022-11-07 on
  2. Makes me think of this incredible book by @RyanHoliday

    — Casey Neistat

    2018-06-28 on