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I find this book thrilling to read, honestly, and I am not easily thrilled, especially not by philosophers. I think this book in particular gets me because especially if you were raised Christian, this is so the opposite of everything we were ever taught to believe that it almost feels like, dirty. Like should I be reading this? Is this allowed?
— Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)
Seen on Contrapoints nightstand in the video Envy
In his book "On the Genealogy of Morality", Frederick wants to explain the origin of the concepts of good and evil. "Under what conditions did man invent the value judgments good and evil? And what value do they themselves have? Have they up to now obstructed or promoted human flourishing?" [...] I find this book thrilling to read, honestly, and I am not easily thrilled, especially not by philosophers. I think this book in particular gets me because especially if you were raised Christian, this is so the opposite of everything we were ever taught to believe that it almost feels like, dirty. Like should I be reading this? Is this allowed? 'Cause even if you're not religious, most of us still agree with a lot of Christian morality. Like yeah Jesus was a good guy, blessed are the meek, sure. But then Frederick comes along and he's like, mmm morality is just a cope for frustrated vindictiveness.
— Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)
In Frederick's words, "The beginning of the slaves' revolt in morality occurs when ressentiment itself turns creative and gives birth to values". This is a little high concept for a mukbang, isn't it? What are you doing, Frederick?
— Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)
Frederick thinks of Christianity as the spiritual revenge of the Jews against the Romans, an inversion of the Empire's values. But, he thinks that slave morality is fundamentally dishonest. It's like the fox and the grapes. "Not-being-able-to-take-revenge is called not-wanting-to-take-revenge, it might even be forgiveness".
— Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)
I haven't done a very heavy philosophy reading in a while. Though for a video I'm making later this year I'm going to read, i'm going to reread Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals cover to cover.
— Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)