Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints) mentioned The Anita Bryant story by Anita Bryant 2 times

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The Anita Bryant story: The survival of our nation's families and the threat of militant homosexuality by Anita Bryant
  1. For the short remainder of her career, gay activists protested her events, they shut down the tour for her book about how persecuted she was by the militant homosexual. And they succeeded in turning public opinion against Anita Bryant to the point that she became virtually unemployable in mainstream entertainment. It helped that she came across as kind of a judgmental prude, that even hip straight people didn't want to be associated with.

    — Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)

    2023-04-17 on
  2. As Anita tells it, she and her "foot soldiers of God" were the victims of sinister gay carpetbaggers: "The foot soldiers were housewives and mothers, religious and civic leaders in opposition to a well-organized, highly financed, and politically militant group of homosexual activists. We were cast as bigots, haters, discriminators, and deniers of basic human rights. And all of this happened because we were sincerely concerned for our children and our community."

    — Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints)

    2023-04-17 on