Demis Hassabis mentioned Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas R. Hofstadter 2 times

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Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas R. Hofstadter
  1. A really big scientific book for me was when I was writing Theme Park, obviously I was working on AI and building AI for the game, but I was also reading books like Gödel, Escher, Bach, by Hofstadter, which I suppose is more of a philosophy book, but it’s an incredible piece of work, tying together Gödel’s incompleteness theorem about mathematics, with Escher’s drawings and Bach’s fugues and showing that they’re all related in some way, this repeating cycle of patterns, this infinite patterns that they all exhibit, and then he tied it to consciousness, and intelligence, and it was just really inspiring for me and made me think about these deep questions, and I was discussing this with a lot of my friends. We were writing games together, and we were doing that 24/7 and we would discuss these things about what the limits of AI could be, if we could not just use it for what we were doing in games, but actually advance it to the level where it would become the same level as human, and they just felt like the sky was the limit.

    — Demis Hassabis

    2020-03-04 on
  2. > Have you read Gödel,Escher,Bach? yes, a very long time ago now - one of the greatest books ever written.

    — Demis Hassabis

    2016-12-23 on