Elon Musk mentioned Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 10 times

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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
  1. I read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and basically what Douglas Adams was saying is: we don't really know what the right questions are to ask. The question is not "What's the meaning of life?" [...] In that book, which is really sort of an existential philosophy book disguised as as humor, they come to the conclusion that the real problem is trying to formulate the question. And to really have the right question you need a much bigger computer than earth. I think one way of characterizing this would be: The universe is the answer. What are the questions? The more we can expand the scope and scale of consciousness the better we can understand what questions to ask about the answer that is the universe. The more we expand consciousness to become a multi-planet species and ultimately a multi-stellar species, the more we have a chance of figuring out what the hell is going on.

    — Elon Musk

    2022-06-14 on youtube.com
  2. I read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is quite positive I think and it highlighted an important point which is that a lot of times the question is harder than the answer.

    — Elon Musk

    2013-02-07 on youtube.com
  3. Douglas Adams ftw

    — Elon Musk

    2021-07-06 on twitter.com
  4. HG2G

    — Elon Musk

    2020-10-13 on twitter.com
  5. Douglas Adams knew what he was talking about.

    — Elon Musk

    2020-03-27 on twitter.com
  6. Should prob articulate philosophy underlying my actions. It’s pretty simple & mostly influenced by Douglas Adams & Isaac Asimov.

    — Elon Musk

    2018-06-15 on twitter.com
  7. HG2G

    — Elon Musk

    2017-12-16 on twitter.com
  8. I love Douglas Adams! My favorite spaceship ever is in HHGTTG.

    — Elon Musk

    2016-06-05 on twitter.com
  9. Love Douglas Adams

    — Elon Musk

    2013-04-02 on twitter.com
  10. Certainly true that many people believe that Tesla and SpaceX are powered by the #hhgttg Infinite Improbability Drive :)

    — Elon Musk

    2013-04-02 on twitter.com