Elon Musk mentioned The Illiad by Homer 7 times

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The Illiad by Homer
  1. For maximum alpha, complete with fighting for princesses, the Iliad. Penguin audiobook at 1.25X speed is best. It was meant to be a spoken, not written, story. https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/the-odyssey/id1479199452

    — Elon Musk

    2024-08-24 on x.com
  2. Can’t recommend The Iliad enough! Best as Penguin audiobook at 1.25 speed. https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/the-odyssey/id1479199452

    — Elon Musk

    2024-08-24 on x.com
  3. Love the Iliad and Odyssey

    — Elon Musk

    2023-12-22 on x.com
  4. Penguin edition of The Iliad

    — Elon Musk

    2023-10-07 on x.com
  5. The incredibly captivating story that is The Iliad was meant to be spoken, so listen to it When Priam tearfully supplicates himself to Achilles for the return of the body of his beloved sonhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mWXC1_Fbvz8

    — Elon Musk

    2023-09-17 on x.com
  6. Best story ever https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAudiobook?id=1508125489

    — Elon Musk

    2023-09-17 on x.com
  7. Listen to The Iliad as an audiobook. It was meant to be spoken.

    — Elon Musk

    2023-09-08 on x.com