Nassim Taleb mentioned Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas 2 times

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Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas
  1. 3- Current bibles: The Bible, Wealth of Nations, Das Kapital, Works by Aquinas, Montaigne, etc. They fail editorial criteria. Editors don't understand books, Academics don't get scholarship. Why?@rorysutherland : employees' objective is minimizing blame in case of failure.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2018-12-07 on
  2. Summa Theologiae by Saint Thomas Aquinas is the kind of book that no longer exists, the book-as-monument, a summa being the comprehensive treatment of a given discipline, while freeing it from the structure the authorities had given it before—the antitextbook. In this case its subject matter is theology, meaning everything philosophical, and it comments on every body of knowledge as it relates to his arguments. And it reflects—and largely directs—the thought of the Middle Ages. Quite a departure from the book with a simple closed-end subject matter.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2012-11-27 in Antifragile