Nassim Taleb mentioned The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas 5 times

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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

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  1. 1) The taste of (cold) revenge is by far the most underrated human experience. Not for cowards. Not be good for society except when revenge does not lead to more revenge. 2) Written ~170 y ago. I've never read more limpid more recent page turner.#Lindy = #ergodic seller!

    — Nassim Taleb

    2020-05-17 on
  2. [...] I opened the book and could not stop. [...]

    — Nassim Taleb

    2020-06-03 on

  3. The last 70 pages are so intense you will not be able to drop the book.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2020-05-17 on
  4. Having been separated from my library & reading on an Ipad, it is w/yuuge relief (after 463 pages) to finally get the real thing! Digital is useful for some things, but one remembers much, much better what one touches, views in 3D, and smells. It's like exiting a 2D prison.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2020-05-08 on
  5. Traduttore Traditore! Dumas in Cte de Montecristo: "condemned for 5 m to Italian cuisine, one of the WORST in the world". While waiting for the mailed hard copy, was trying to read it online in Italian: "una delle piu MEDIOCRI cucine del mondo"#Cheating but Italian >> French

    — Nassim Taleb

    2020-05-06 on