Nassim Taleb mentioned The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati 4 times

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The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati

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  1. Until I read ["The Opposing Shore"], Buzzati's "Il deserto dei tartari" was my favorite novel, perhaps my only novel, the only one I cared to keep re-reading through life.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2012-11-11 on

  2. As a child, I viewed the world into two types of people: those who read the deserto and were therefore marked by it, and the rest. Francois Mitterand, who was not my cup of tea, seduced me when on the literary panel Apostrophes he went on and on passionately talking about the book --"j'ai été marqué par ce livre", he said, his eyes gleaming

    — Nassim Taleb

    2010-03-21 on

  3. This book she has as a friend is Il deserto dei tartari, by Dino Buzzati, a novel that was well known in Italy and France during her childhood, but that, strangely, nobody she knows in America had heard of. Its English title is mistranslated as The Tartar Steppe instead of The Desert of the Tartars.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2007-04-17 in The Black Swan

  4. A Masterpiece. I never understood why the book never made it in the Anglo-Saxon world. Il deserto is one of the 20th century's masterpieces.

    — Nassim Taleb

    2000-12-30 on