Naval Ravikant mentioned Ashtavakra Gita by Swami Chinmayananda 3 times

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Ashtavakra Gita by Swami Chinmayananda
  1. It moves around. Keep coming back to I Am That, Direct Truth, Vasistha's Yoga, Jed McKenna, and Ashtavakra Gita.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2021-02-16 on
  2. Siddhartha is a fictional retelling of the enlightenment stories in the Ashtavakra Gita and the Yoga Vasistha. You may like those.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2020-08-23 on
  3. @markhughes No, but recently read Tao, Gita, Aurelius, Krishnamurti, Hagakure. Evolution still has strong predictive power in my reality.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2014-04-04 on