Naval Ravikant mentioned Bhagavad-Gita by Vyasa 4 times

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Bhagavad-Gita by Vyasa
  1. This is the oldest wisdom in the book. Go to the Bhagavad-Gita. It says you are entitled to your labor but not to the fruits of your labor.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2021-01-29 on
  2. Siddhartha, Vasistha’s Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching. I’m always going through one of these books at any given time and usually rereading for inspiration.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2020-10-14 on

  3. The classics, the Bhagavad Gita, get a good translation. Stephen [Mitchell], I think, has a good translation. He also has a good translation of the Tao Te Ching. Those are both really interesting.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2020-10-14 on

  4. Independent (re)discovery. The original concept is very old, even expressed in the Bhagavad Gita.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2020-09-21 on