Naval Ravikant mentioned Falling into grace by Adyashanti 2 times

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Falling into grace by Adyashanti
  1. Krishnamurti was incredibly influential on me. When I first read him in my late thirties, it was like a bomb went off in my head. He was speaking in a language that was completely removed from my own. He wrote in a very complex form of English where he used certain words in a way that didn't line up with what I had learned over my entire life. But it had the feel of truth to it. He laid out a clear, consistent, and integrated philosophy of what it means to be conscious and free. That said, it's a very advanced read. I've given Krishnamurti to some of my friends and they just hand it back and tell me that it didn't make any sense to them. I think it's better to start with something simpler like Eckart Tolle, Adyashanti, Jed McKenna, or Osho.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-10-17 on

  2. I thought [it] was very good.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-01-30 on