Naval Ravikant mentioned Influence by Robert B. Cialdini 18 times

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
  1. Robert Cialdini and Scott Adams.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2021-10-21 on
  2. Influence by Robert Cialdini. Scott Adams’ books and blog.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2020-02-27 on
  3. Great book. I just can’t recommend Cialdini’s other work as strongly so I left him out.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2020-02-25 on
  4. Cialdini’s “Influence.” [is the best book on sales].

    — Naval Ravikant

    2019-06-13 on
  5. Second best - read Influence by Cialdini, persuasion from @ScottAdamsSays , and actually get out there and sell things.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-11-03 on
  6. Influence by Robert Cialdini. @ScottAdamsSays blog.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-08-06 on
  7. Start with “Influence” by Robert Cialdini.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-06-18 on
  8. Thank you. I was recommending Cialdini’s seminal work, “Influence.” You’ll get a lot more out of that one.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-06-07 on
  9. It is one of the best business and skill books ever written and I can recommend it for everybody who's listening to this to read it. What Cialdini talks about is how you persuade people. How you convince people to do things. What are the tricks, what are the strategies. And it turns out that most of these strategies work really well even if you know that they're being used on you. They're that good because we as human are emotionally and behaviorally hardwired through evolution to fall for these strategies.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-06-07 on

  10. Robert Calvini wrote a book called Influence. And influence is a book on persuasion. It is one of the best business and skill books ever written and I can recommend it for everybody who's listening to read it.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-06-07 on

  11. Influence by Cialdini. Books and writings by @ScottAdamsSays .

    — Naval Ravikant

    2018-05-31 on
  12. Influence was fundamental and had a lot to teach. Presuasion is good but closer to a single-themed book.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-11-20 on
  13. Love Influence. Forgot it :-)

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-11-09 on
  14. Influence by Cialdini

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-08-18 on
  15. You want to learn persuasion & time is short. The pros studied under master Cialdini. You're welcome - please RT.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-06-18 on
  16. 1/2 The beauty of Cialdini's "Influence" is that most of the documented persuasion techniques work even on the wary observer.

    — Naval Ravikant

    2016-05-09 on
  17. Robert Cialdini’s Influence. Classic, classic book. Everybody should read it, memorize it, understand that the way that people influence other people is consistency, liking authority, social proofs, scarcity and reciprocity. Once you know that, any time you’re trying to persuade anybody of anything, you can use those to your benefit, [... but maintain your honesty].

    — Naval Ravikant

    2015-08-08 on

  18. Interesting - Cialdini-inspired dissection of how to influence people with direct-response ads: via @johngreathouse

    — Naval Ravikant

    2012-05-03 on