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Nobody agrees on what the right philosophy is and they contradict each other. So I would say read Deutsch / Popper and leave it at that.
— Naval Ravikant
The implications of Popperian / Deutsch philosophy - optimism, uncertainty, and unbounded growth - are unacceptable to the chattering classes.
— Naval Ravikant
Yes. You can make a falsifiable claim without providing a good theory or explanation as to why that claim is true or false. Deutsch convincingly expands on Popper’s criterion in “The Beginning of Infinity.” Or listen to @ToKTeacher
— Naval Ravikant
Popper, Deutsch, Schopenhauer, Osho, Krishnamurti, DeMello, Seneca, Kapil Gupta, Taleb, there are too many...
— Naval Ravikant
Science: • Independently verifiable • Falsifiable • Makes risky and narrow predictions (read Popper / Deutsch)
— Naval Ravikant
The foundation of science is doubt. It is all about falsifiability. David Deutsch, who’s kind of one of my current modern living physicist heroes, is a Popperian. He subscribes to Karl Popper’s philosophy. And he basically says that if it’s not falsifiable, it’s not scientific.
— Naval Ravikant
2020-10-14 on
Start with The Beginning of Infinity. Then read Matt Ridley, Nick Szabo, David Deutsch, Nassim Taleb, Schopenhauer, Peter Thiel, Popper, Feynman, Art DeVany, Scott Adams, Jed McKenna. Recognize them when they challenge socially enforced mass-delusions with science and logic.
— Naval Ravikant
Matt Ridley, Neal Stephenson, Taleb, Borges, Ted Chiang, Anthony DeMello, Osho, J Krishnamurti, Harari, Asimov, Bradbury, Greg Egan, Feynman, Schrödinger, Bohr, Chris Alexander, the Durants, Darwin, Adam Smith, David Deutsch, Karl Popper, Douglas Hofstader, Douglas Adams
— Naval Ravikant