Peter Attia mentioned Altered Traits by Daniel Goleman 2 times

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Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body by Daniel Goleman
  1. There’s a great book out there called Altered [Traits], which I read this year, that I think does a great job of parsing that concept out. Which is [...] we don’t meditate for the state. The state can be pleasurable. To be honest, I don’t find it that pleasurable. I don’t actually enjoy meditating that much. Sometimes I do, but as many times as I do, it’s difficult for me, it’s work.

    — Peter Attia

    2018-12-13 on

  2. First 2 grafs are nice description of exploratory science. From the excellent book, Altered Traits.

    — Peter Attia

    2018-02-10 on