Peter Attia mentioned Solve for Happy by Mo Gawdat 1 times

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Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy by Mo Gawdat
  1. Rick Gerson, who is a mutual friend and you actually introduced me to Rick probably about five years ago, he gave me a copy of this book and it was one of those things that just sort of sat there for, I don’t know, six months and it was just in the queue but I didn’t really appreciate why I ought to read it as soon as it was given to me. Something in the midst of a crisis sort of brought it to my attention a little more quickly and I just devoured it and so if the Terrence Real book, I Don’t Want to Talk About It, he’s now jumped into the number one spot of books I’ve gifted most, Solve for Happy is probably in the number two spot.

    — Peter Attia

    2018-12-13 on