PewDiePie mentioned Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima 6 times

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Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima
  1. On Felix's bookshelf.

    2022-06-30 on
  2. Any advice for people getting into Yukio Mishima? What would I advise? Just read it, it's great! Read the tetralogy. I want to reread Mishima. That was a comfy time just plowing through all this literature. Could read some Mishima. [...] they're all in japan my whole library but I love this book (The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea) so much I bought another copy of it. It's weird with a Japanese author because I love his writing style or his prose so much but it's obviously translated so what does that really say, you know, can I say that I like an author's style of writing even if it's translated?

    — PewDiePie

    2020-11-17 on
  3. I've read the whole tetralogy already, they are all amazing. However, Temple of dawn is probably my least favourite of them all. Runaway Horses -> The Decay of the angel -> Spring snow -> Temple of dawn.

    — PewDiePie

    2018-11-22 on

  4. I found out about death poems from one of my favourite writers Yukio Mishima and I was just so fascinated by the fact that that's an actual thing. - "A small night storm blows. Saying falling is the essence of a flower. Preceding those who hesitate."

    — PewDiePie

    2018-11-18 on
  5. the main reason that I really love this book was because of its poetic style. It sounds so pretentious for me to say, but the way it reads, you really cherish the pages. It has so many interesting personalities, most importantly, getting the insight of this very fascinating period of time through the eyes of Kiyoaki. I really enjoyed it. Very nice. 4 out of 5.

    — PewDiePie

    2018-06-26 on
  6. We're going to read "Inferno" by August Strindberg. I want to read "Spring Snow," I think it's called, by Yukio Mishima and "Runaway Horses" by Yukio Mishima I'm gonna be a little bit selfish and just read books that I genuinely just want to read.

    — PewDiePie

    2018-05-22 on