PewDiePie mentioned The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 2 times

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
  1. When I was younger I loved reading and I loved sharing, discussing books with my granddad. Obviously I was really young, I was like 10 or 12, so I don't know how much of a discussion it was. But he was so happy and fascinated that I was.. I liked reading and we read Sherlock Holmes because he loves Sherlock Holmes. He tried to get me into this private Sherlock Holmes group but I was too young to really understand. I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes when I was a kid.

    — PewDiePie

    2018-06-26 on
  2. I used to love Jules Verne & Sherlock Holmes as a kid.

    — PewDiePie

    2014-02-13 on