PewDiePie mentioned The Temple of Dawn (The Sea of Fertility) by Yukio Mishima 4 times

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The Temple of Dawn (The Sea of Fertility) by Yukio Mishima
  1. On Felix's bookshelf.

    2022-06-30 on
  2. Any advice for people getting into Yukio Mishima? What would I advise? Just read it, it's great! Read the tetralogy. I want to reread Mishima. That was a comfy time just plowing through all this literature. Could read some Mishima. [...] they're all in japan my whole library but I love this book (The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea) so much I bought another copy of it. It's weird with a Japanese author because I love his writing style or his prose so much but it's obviously translated so what does that really say, you know, can I say that I like an author's style of writing even if it's translated?

    — PewDiePie

    2020-11-17 on
  3. A lot of his [Yukio Mishima's] work, like 'Runaway Horses', his tetralogy, 'The Temple of Dawn' they all reflect this shift [the westernisation of Japan].

    — PewDiePie

    2018-12-29 on
  4. I've read the whole tetralogy already, they are all amazing. However, Temple of dawn is probably my least favourite of them all. Runaway Horses -> The Decay of the angel -> Spring snow -> Temple of dawn.

    — PewDiePie

    2018-11-22 on